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 Sit Back and Listen...

Free Tele-Seminar:

"Back to School Stress Reduction:  Homeschooling Multiples"

Laura Bankston will share how to homeschool multiple elementary school aged children that need

individual assistance, while you also have a toddler or baby to watch.  Learn how to reduce stress, use your

time more efficiently, and stay organized!


January - date and time to be announced


These calls are really, really simple:

1.  Dial the conference line # that you will receive by email

2.  Enter the pin # provided


And you don't have to worry about background noise!!  I'll tell you the

two buttons to press on your phone to block out sound from your phone!


"I was on your conference call on Saturday. It was great! Thank you for all the great tips as well as the encouragement!"  Dee Pendergast


Full Name

Email Address

Full Street Address




Your Homeschool Stress or Question


     You're registering for the FREE "Live" tele-seminar.   Close to the call in date, you'll be e-mailed everything you need to know to participate on the

call.  You'll also get information on how to fax in your specific questions in advance. Write this information down and mark your calendar.  Don't

be a minute late for the call or you might miss getting your question answered.







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