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Memorial Day Weekend Family Plans?

Hi. Memorial Day is quickly approaching; and the kids are excited! Wade is going to take all three of them fishing and we have to recount how many days are left about every 3 hours!

For me, on the other hand; I'm getting a day off by myself to relax....

I know that everyone else will be out having fun; but I have this phobia about fish hooks. I can't stand to be anywhere near them! So, the family has 'allowed' me to pass up on this event; but I think I'm going to have to do the 'immersion' method and get over my phobia!

And, you know, my phobia is even harder to deal with here because we have 'combat fishing' in Alaska. I'm serious - they stand shoulder to shoulder along the banks of the rivers casting their lines.

All I can think about is a hook landing in my head!

So, I hope you have some great family plans coming for the weekend. And if you're goin' fishin', I hope you catch one <----------------------> that big!

For fluffier rice, add one teaspoon of lemon juice per quart (litre) of water.

To add extra flavor and nutrition to rice, cook it in liquid reserved from cooking vegetables.


And, I guess to make it up to the kids, I'll have to do something really special to make a new memory. Speakin' of which, I gotta go tuck everyone in....

Talk to you later,
Laura Bankston




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